Why Seafood Smells? (Find Out)

Why seafood smells? Seafood smells because of trimethylamine oxide, or TMAO. It is a molecule that fish cells accumulate to survive in water laden with 3% salt.

So this is eminent when the seafood is kept at room temperature for a few hours; the seafood changes completely. Naturally, I get disgusted with the fishy seafood smell. But l love to eat seafood.

The irritation does not stop me from eating seafood because there is a way out. I will expose the ingredients I use to eliminate the seafood smell in this guide. Click here to learn about; are seafood boils unhealthy?

This article will give an in-depth explanation of why seafood smells, how to get rid of the seafood smell, and how seafood smell, among others. 

Here we go.

TMAO is odorless, and you smell the trimethylamine (TMA) which converts when the fish dies. The more time elapses, the more TMAO is transformed into TMA by the bacteria that grow on the surface of the seafood.

You can slow down the process by keeping the fish on ice. And we also minimize the bad smell by seasoning the fish with lemon or vinegar.

 These two acids reduce the volatility of the TMA and prevent its aroma from reaching our noses.

 This process works with bromophenols, molecules synthesized by algae and other ocean creatures from the seawater bromine. Aromatic and refreshing, by the way. When the seafood is 100% fresh, it does not smell like fish, although it seems contradictory.

It smells fresh of the sea, but it is not unpleasant at all. After a couple of hours without a refrigerator, the meat slowly starts to break down, and that’s when it starts to smell “fishy.”

I have compiled the best tips and tricks for you to discover how to remove the seafood smells from the kitchen.

How Do You Get Rid Of Seafood smells?

How do you get rid of seafood smells? Lemon or lime removes the slime from the skin of any seafood before giving them a proper wash.

I was given a fresh catfish yesterday, but the catfish was alive. I killed the catfish and used the lemon inside my fridge to remove the slime.

If you check a fresh catfish from the sea or tank, you will notice its skin is dark. It is that slime that darkens the skin. But when you use lemon to wash out the slime, the body will be cleared, and you will get rid of that fishy smell.

Moreover, the best way to neutralize its odor is to soak the fish fillets in milk for about 30 minutes before cooking.

It stops the smell of the seafood not to spread. Place the seafood in a container with water and lemon juice. The lemon acts against the bacteria that cause bad odors without affecting the flavor of the fish.

Things We Need To Get Rid Of Seafood Smells:

  • Sponge
  • Cloth or paper towel
  • Cooking pot
  • container or bowl
  • Warm water
  • All-Purpose Liquid Cleaner
  • Vinegar
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Lemon juice
  • cinnamon sticks
  • Vanilla extract
  • Essential oils (lavender)

Simple Steps To Get Rid Of Seafood Smells:

  • Open windows for ventilation
  • Light a scented candle with citrus or vanilla scents.
  • Use an essential oil diffuser with lavender or orange oil.
  • Clean all surfaces with an antibacterial cleaner and a pleasant perfume
  • Use vinegar (a natural disinfectant)
  • Use Lemon
  • Mix lemon juice with a splash of vinegar.
  • Mix lemons and oranges
  • Use cloves and rosemary, or boil them all together
  • Heat a few cinnamon sticks in the oven for 5-10 minutes.
  • Boil three cinnamon sticks for a quarter of an hour.

Should Seafood Have A Smell?

Should seafood have a smell? Fresh seafood should have a smell, and it’s entirely normal due to the presence of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO).

 TMAO is a molecule that helps fish and shellfish survive in salty water. As a result, fresh seafood usually has a pleasant, salty aroma, reflecting the ocean or lake water.

However, the fish you purchase from a store or market may occasionally have a strong “fishy” odor, which is not ideal.

 If the fish smells like ammonia or is rotten, it’s not in good shape, and you should discard it. It is a myth that all fish and shellfish have an unpleasant odor. The animal’s freshness primarily determines the smell.

When the seafood smells bad or doesn’t give off an oceanic scent, it indicates it’s not fresh and unsafe to consume.

You may examine the shellfish a little more if you have doubts about identifying it in poor condition. Fresh seafood should have a fresh and salty aroma, not musty, yeasty, bitter, or fishy.

The maintenance of fluid balance for these marine creatures is to fill their cells with amino acids and amines, as the optimal levels of dissolved minerals inside an animal cell are less than 1%.

In comparison, water in the open ocean is about 3% salt by weight. Ocean fish frequently utilize trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) for this purpose.

However, when fish die, bacteria and fish enzymes convert TMAO to trimethylamine (TMA), which produces the characteristic “fishy” odor. To reduce this smell, you can rinse the fish’s surface with tap water, removing TMA.

Using acidic ingredients such as lemon, vinegar, or tomato to treat seafood can cause TMA to bind to water and become less volatile.

It prevents odor compounds from reaching the nose. Fresh seafood can be prepared without the “fishy” odor.

How Does Seafood Smell?

How does seafood smell? Seafood smells fresh and briny when they are good, but seafood smells fishy and mushy once it gets bad.

The fresh seafood smells of the sea, a pleasant smell, not a strong and annoying smell. If so, the seafood is probably in poor condition or poorly preserved. Seafood has a distinct smell, which can vary based on several factors.

Fresh seafood typically has a pleasant and briny aroma, reflecting the ocean or lake water it was harvested from. This smell comes from trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), a molecule that helps fish and shellfish survive in salty water.

However, when seafood is not fresh or poorly preserved, it can develop a strong and unpleasant smell. For instance, seafood, be it fish or shellfish, with an ammonia-like smell or a rotten odor, is likely in poor condition and unsafe to consume.

Similarly, if the seafood smells musty, yeasty, bitter, or excessively fishy, it indicates spoilage. The “fishy” odor arises when bacteria and fish enzymes convert TMAO to trimethylamine (TMA) after the seafood dies.

There is a link between this process that produces smell and spoiled seafood. Prevent this odor by purchasing fresh seafood and storing it correctly.

Seafood has a distinctive smell but should be a pleasant, salty aroma reflecting freshness. If the seafood has a strong and unpleasant odor, it may indicate spoilage. Discard it to avoid the risk of foodborne illness.

What Does Fresh Seafood Smell Like?

What does fresh seafood smell like? Fresh seafood, such as fish, crustaceans, and shellfish, smell clean and sweet, reminiscent of the ocean.

When these seafood items are first caught, they may have a light aroma of the sea, but they should never have a strong, pungent smell.

If the seafood has a distinct fishy smell, it is likely, not fresh and should not be consumed. Using all the senses to determine whether seafood is fresh is important.

When looking at fresh fillets, they should appear bright and shiny, with no signs of dullness or dryness.

The texture should be resilient, firm, and smooth. Any signs of mealy or mushy flesh can indicate that the fish is not fresh.

According to Harold McGee, a renowned author of “On Food and Cooking,” fresh fish smells like grass or fresh-cut leaves, with some varieties producing a fragrance like mushrooms, melons, or cucumbers.

Additionally, fresh fish should have a sweet, salty smell with no musty, yeasty, or bitter notes.

The problem with fish that smells bad or fishy occurs when bacteria and fish enzymes convert TMAO into trimethylamine (TMA), which gives off a characteristic fishy odor.

This chemical is commonly found in cold-water surface-dwelling fish, such as cod. Therefore, ensuring these varieties are as fresh as possible is essential.

It is also important to store the seafood correctly and cook it thoroughly to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Fresh seafood should have a sweet, salty scent, resilient, firm texture, and bright, shiny appearance.

Any strong or pungent smells are a red flag and can indicate that the seafood is not fresh.

How Long Does Seafood Smells Last?

How Long Does Seafood Smells Last? The seafood smell can stay in your house for 12 hours after cooking.

But they will diminish within 12 hours if the source of the smell has been removed. The smell will last longer if you’ve burnt the fish or splattered the kitchen with grease when cooking.

Seafood ruminants will continue to disturb the house until the whole place is well-cleaned.

When Seafood Smells Fishy?

When Seafood Smells Fishy? Seafood smells fishy when killed; the seafood’s bacteria and enzymes convert a substance called TMAO into trimethylamine (TMA).

It produces a distinct “fishy” smell. This smell can be reduced through two methods: rinsing the surface of the fish with tap water to remove and choosing fish that are less prone to producing TMA, such as catfish, instead of cod.

All types of seafood, whether cooked or raw, will have a fishy smell from the time they get out of the water.

This is because the chemical (TMAO) that sustains them in the sea will start reducing its impact on them due to converting to TMA.

The negative effect is that the longer it stays out of the water without refrigeration, the more it is prone to smell.

However, if refrigerated seafood starts to spoil, the fishy smell will become stronger and eventually develop into a putrid smell similar to rotting meat.

Using your sense of smell is the most reliable way to determine if fish has gone bad. If the fish smells sour or spoiled, it is best to throw it away.

When you discover that the seafood has a mild ocean smell, it is likely safe to eat, but it is still best to check for other signs of spoilage.

The fishy smell is often caused by two compounds, geosmin and methylisoborneol, produced by blue-green algae that bottom feeders such as catfish consume.

Other molecules containing amines, such as pyrimidines, also contribute to the distinctive fishy aroma.

Fish muscle naturally contains many amines, and as it decays, the concentration of these molecules increases, leading to a stronger fishy odor.

Does Lemon Get Rid Of Seafood Smell?

Does lemon get rid of the seafood smell? Yes, lemon can eliminate seafood smells by neutralizing the smell.

And you will enjoy all the flavor without the smelly traces integrating into your home.The amines in fish are neutralized by lemon citric acid by turning them into safe salts that won’t be airborne like the amines.

Recall this! Lemon is also a natural deodorant, making it a valuable ally in the fight against fishy odor. Lemon wedges should be heated with water rather than vinegar or cinnamon.

Alternatively, you can boil some water with a tablespoon of baking soda and a little lemon juice because lemon is a powerful ally in the fight against seafood odors.

If you dislike vinegar’s fragrance, this citrus can be used in its place. Try cooking lemons in a pot and letting them dry to get rid of the fishy odors with this technique.

 While they rest, they spray the kitchen with their aroma, displacing the bad seafood smells. Simmer lemon peels, ground ginger, and lemon peels in water for 15 minutes on the stove to eliminate any lingering odor.

This advice applies to any cooking method you use to make seafood. Regarding seafood smells and cleaning, lemon can be your lifesaver.

 Instead of adding cinnamon or vinegar to the boiling water, add a few lemon wedges. If you want to remove this smell from your pan, mix lemon juice with a teaspoon of baking soda: you will see that it is effective.


Are you aware of why seafood smells? Now that you know why seafood smells, do you feel like cooking seafood at home?But I know you do not doubt how to get rid of seafood smells.

With the following tips in this article, you can easily get rid of the fishy seafood smells of the house, using natural ingredients that you already have in your kitchen.

You have discovered the best homemade items in your kitchen that can eliminate seafood smells before cooking.

You have an idea that lemon can work wonders on seafood smells by only boiling the lemon peels for approximately 20 minutes. It may interest you to read these articles; are seafood allergies genetic? Are seafood boils unhealthy?

It is a natural disinfectant. Even when you soak your seafood in lemon water before cooking, it will not lose its taste. Try it out yourself.