Which Seafood Is High In Iron? (High Nutrition)

Do you know which seafood is high in iron? Mollusks are seafood that is high in iron and it is vital to know the seafood that is good for your health.

As they say, health is wealth. Just like me, l love to know what it is worth healthy wise to add a particular diet to my menu.

When you lack iron in your body, you will become anemic. Click here to learn are saefood mussels good for you

What is iron? Iron is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of our body.

Being the mineral responsible for transporting oxygen and producing red blood cells, iron is an essential and indispensable nutrient that must be obtained through certain foods.

Do you know the seafood with the highest amount of iron? It is interesting to know the amount of iron in each seafood to obtain the recommended daily amount, which is 18 mg.

Therefore, if iron intake is low, the person may suffer from iron deficiency, which can cause anemia and lead to other symptoms or ailments.

There are many healthy kinds of seafood to get the necessary amount of iron, such as mussels, one of the richest iron-rich shellfish.

What other shellfish are rich in iron? We tell you which are the ones that can provide the greatest amount of iron at home intake.

I will list them below because knowing them is critical to your health.

They are clams, oysters, lobster, crab, anchovies, tuna, sardines, trout, salmon, herring, cod, squid, octopus, mussels, caviar, shrimp, tilapia, catfish, swordfish, mahi-mahi.

As you read on, I will teach you everything you need to know about seafood that is high in iron.

Let us get started.

What Seafood Has The Highest Iron?

All seafood is rich in iron, but shellfish has the highest iron and contributes to what is known as good cholesterol.

Meanwhile, in addition to increasing good cholesterol, all shellfish are rich in iron.

However, among shellfish, some stand out more than others for containing more iron.

Seafood contains other properties and nutritional values ​​​​, such as vitamin C, B12, or protein. As for iron, the following iron-rich seafood stands out.

Here are The Seafood High in Iron:

MUSSELS: They are one of the most popular shellfish in the Mediterranean diet.

In more than one recipe, mussels can become the best nutritional supplement for getting the right amount of iron each day.

About 100 grams of mussels can provide around 4.5 milligrams of iron.

PRAWNS: This is real food in many traditional recipes. Consuming these rich delicacies from the sea can provide enough iron to our bodies. Click here to learn what are the different types of seafood.

● CLAMS: The iron content that clams can provide exceeds that of most crustaceans and fish.

COCKLES: It has approximately 30 milligrams of iron per 100 grams and vitamin C, essential to prevent iron oxidation and improve its absorption.

SCALLOPS: In addition to being a great source of protein, it has a great contribution of fatty acids such as omega-3, niacin, and vitamin B12.

Of course, it is a food very rich in iron, a fundamental nutrient to avoid and combat iron deficiency.

What Seafood Is Best For Anemia?

What seafood is best for anemia? The best seafood for anemia is shellfish because they are rich in iron.

One of the foods with the most iron is shellfish. These are one of the best sources of natural iron.

This mineral has a greater presence in oysters, clams, and mussels. This shellfish usually provides a good dose of iron, especially the recommended daily amount.

The dose for women is 18 mg and 8 mg for men. A serving of shellfish provides around 20 mg of iron.

In addition, shellfish are rich in phosphorus, potassium, manganese, or iodine.    So, they are a perfect nutrient to incorporate into diets.

Then what is anemia? Knowing what anemia is is good so you do not get lost.

Anemia is a condition that show you lack red blood cells to carry oxygen, or what is the same, a low level of hemoglobin.

It can be detected, especially when there is persistent tiredness or fatigue. Low hemoglobin levels are closely related to low iron levels in the blood.

Our system needs iron to produce enough hemoglobin and thus perform a series of functions.

That is why when you lack this mineral, disorders such as fatigue, anemia, brittle nails or even pale skin appear.

A nutritional problem usually accuses Iron deficiency. Including iron-rich foods for anemia in the daily diet is our best bet.

Seafood best for anemia are as follows:

  • It helps the formation of hemoglobin, and it is vital to maintain good levels of iron in the body against blood loss or deficiencies of this mineral.
  • Eating iron or eating iron-rich foods helps stimulate brain activity and prevents cognitive disorders.
  • Strengthens our immune system
  • Healthier nails, hair, and skin.
  • Strengthens muscles.

Is Seafood Prawn High In Iron?

Prawn is high in iron because they contain significant amounts of iron. This mineral is essential for the body to distribute oxygen effectively.

Although they contain iron (1.9 mg), it is necessary to control their consumption so as not to raise uric acid levels.

And because it is in only a few types of food, iron deficiencies cause severe exhaustion that is surprisingly widespread, especially for women.

Prawns are a fantastic source of iron to include in your diet.

A three-ounce serving of prawns contains about 3 mg of iron, 18% of the recommended daily requirement.

As they’re so tasty, many people eat more than this at a sitting, further boosting their iron intake. Prawns are a good source of iron.

A 100-gram serving of cooked prawns provides approximately 2 mg of iron, about 11% of the recommended daily intake for adult males and 25% for adult females.

Iron is a mineral that is essential in the production of red blood cells and transporting oxygen throughout the body.

Including prawns in your diet and other iron-rich foods can help prevent iron deficiency anemia and maintain good overall health.

So, adding prawns to your diet occasionally is not only a tasty treat, but it’s also exceptionally healthy.

They are also low in calories, so you can load your plate up, increasing your iron intake even more.

Besides iron, prawns are rich in protein, niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium.

Boiling, steaming, or grilling are the best ways to cook them, as frying adds fat and calories and may lessen their nutritional value.

Eating iron-rich food can help prevent you from developing anemia, and prawns are no different.

Does Seafood Catfish Have Iron?

Catfish are a type of fish that is relatively high in iron. A 100-gram serving of catfish can provide approximately 1.2 milligrams of iron, about 15% of the recommended daily intake for adults.

Women need to eat catfish because of its high iron content. However, the exact iron content varies due to factors such as the age and species of the catfish, as well as how it is prepared.

Fried catfish can add more calories than when it is grilled, cooked or baked.

Iron concentrations (2-6 mg/100g of fillet) found in salmon, trout, catfish and bocachico are higher than those of beef and other varieties, including poultry.

Consequently, these species can be used as important substitutes for meat foods to improve the supply of high bioavailability iron.

In Colombia, there is a high prevalence of deficiency in iron intake in a highly vulnerable age group (14-18 years) both in men and women, reaching 33% in the group of women and women in childbearing age 95%.

Regionally produced fish would be an alternative to cover the recommendation of this mineral.

Catfish contains calcium, iron, and other minerals important for good health and is easily eaten and digested.”

The nutritionist recommended eating catfish at least three times a week.

To achieve a more iron-rich dish, it is recommended to accompany the fish with other foods rich in this mineral, such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, quinoa, spinach, chard, botija (black) olives, mint, huacatay, maca, among others.

Which Fish Is Best For Iron?

The best fish for iron is bluefish. Their iron content per 100 grams is 4.63mg.

Bluefish, such as bonito, horse mackerel and anchovy, are excellent allies against anemia since their iron and protein content contributes to the formation of hemoglobin that the body requires to be healthy.

Iron is one of the fundamental minerals for the proper functioning of the body.

“People who lack iron show weakness in the body, paleness, respiratory problems and greater ease with infections.

A good iron level provides more energy and strengthens the immune system,” he explained.

Children, adolescents and pregnant women are the people who need a greater intake of iron.

The World Health Organization recommends a minimum intake of 10 milligrams of iron daily in children to avoid contracting anemia.

Iron can be found in foods of plant and animal origin; however, the body better assimilates iron of animal origin.

These are fish that is best for iron and their content; Anchovies 4.63mg each 100gr.1.31mg per serving (28.35 g.), Sardines (canned)2.92mg each 100gr.4.35 mg per serving (149 g.), mackerel 1.63mg each 100gr.1.83 mg per serving (112 g.), tuna1.02mg each 100gr.0.87 mg per serving (85 g.), Emperor0.45mg each 100gr.0.38 mg per serving (85 g.), salmon propertiesSalmon0.34mg each 100gr.0.29 mg per serving (85 g.) and bass0.29mg each 100gr.0.37 mg per serving (129 g.).

The oily fish richest in iron are bonito, anchovy and horse mackerel.

“Eating 100 grams of the dark meat of the bonito provides 8.66 milligrams of iron; 100 grams of anchovy provides 3.04 milligrams of iron; and 100 grams of horse mackerel provides 1.80 milligrams of iron.

 In addition, these fish are rich in protein.

Do Shrimps Have Iron?

Shrimps have iron, as they are among the crustaceans providing iron. Shrimp supply between 2 and 3 milligrams of iron in a 3-ounce serving.

They contains iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B12.

However, they make us happy for their taste and the multiple health benefits of their consumption.

Shrimp is the most consumed type of seafood on the entire planet.

It is not only because they are very rich but also because of the large number of nutrients they contain, such as iodine.

 In addition to that, they are low in calories, for every 85 grams you find only 84 calories, a very low proportion concerning other foods and also, it has no carbohydrates, something that many avoid at all costs.

Almost 90% of the calories contained in shrimp come from the protein it contains.

A good dish with shrimp means consuming about twenty different vitamins and minerals and, above all, consuming 50% of the daily dose of selenium you need at once.

It helps you reduce inflammation and improve the heart’s health. We can also find iron and other nutrients in shrimp, so it is a complete food.

Also, shrimp is a great source of antioxidants; why? Because they have a carotenoid called astaxanthin that comes from algae.

Shrimp feed on these algae; in fact, that’s why they have that reddish color that settles in their cells and helps fight inflammation, helps keep arteries healthy, and is good for memory.

Lastly. shrimp is not only delicious but also very nutritious, but they contain iron for a balanced diet.


Having read about which seafood is high in iron, it would be advisable to follow the rules by adding this diet to your menu according to your health provider.

Seafood high in iron is very good for your health in terms of nutrition. It may interest you to learn about what are seafood benefits.

However, do the right thing by cooking them properly to avoid being contaminated with ill-borne diseases.