What Seafood Should You Avoid?

What seafood should you avoid? It would help if you avoided some seafood because of certain risks associated with eating them.

Seafood infected with bacteria, viruses, parasites and other contaminants, such as heavy metals like mercury, cadmium, and lead, should be avoided.

These infections can put your health at risk, especially during pregnancy, breastfeeding, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol or weight loss.

They can also lead to food poisoning and allergies. Seafood is a very important source of nutrients for our diet.

However, toxins in some types of seafood can cause serious illness if consumed excessively.

This article will take it up from here to educate you on some factors that will make you avoid some seafood.

Here we go.

Shellfish are a popular type of seafood consumed worldwide but can also trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.

According to several studies, the shellfish that cause allergies include crustaceans like shrimp, lobster, prawns, Norway lobster, and crabs.

 Most bivalve mollusks include mussels, clams, and oysters; gastropod mollusks include snails and periwinkles, and cephalopods like squid, cuttlefish, and octopus are carriers of allergies too.

These allergies usually develop in adulthood and can persist for life. The allergy typically occurs when consuming shellfish.

But it has also been observed in individuals who have handled the meat or inhaled the steam from the shellfish.

 In addition, raw or undercooked shellfish can harbor the anisakis parasite, which can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions in some individuals.

Moreover, avoid these parasites by freezing raw shellfish at -20ºC for at least five days before consumption.

Or cook them at over 60ºC for at least two minutes in the center also before consumption.

This article will explore the nitty-gritty of “What seafood should you avoid?” Read on to get the best.

Seafood With High Levels Of Microplastics

What is seafood with high levels of microplastics? A recent study has found that mussels and oysters are the most affected seafood products by microplastics.

Sea snails, cockles, razors, and coquina follow them. The research team analyzed over 2,300 mollusks from the coastal regions were extracted 1,460 microplastics.

Oysters and mussels have shown the highest concentration of microplastics per sample, with levels of 23 and 19 microplastics per individual, respectively.Click here to learn about seafood vs. shellfish.

The study warns that microplastics may be related to inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

Each human ingests about five grams of microplastics weekly, which is significantly high.

Previous studies have suggested that both micro and nano plastics are dangerous to health when ingested.

They can change the composition of the intestinal microbiome, which is associated with an increased risk of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and chronic liver disease.

The study found that for each gram of mollusks, up to 10.5 microplastics could be found, while for each gram of crustaceans, up to 8.6; and for every gram of fish, up to 2.9.

The presence of microplastics is global, and their impact depends on the species.

 In the case of fish, microplastics are stored in the digestive tract, gills, or liver, which are usually discarded.

However, mollusks are fully consumed by humans, except for shells. It means that mollusks not only contain the most microplastics, but they also contribute the most to human ingestion.

While more research is needed on the health effects of microplastics, it is clear that they are a concerning issue that requires immediate attention.

 It will help to address their environmental and human health effects.

Seafood With High Levels Of Antibiotics

Seafood with high levels of antibiotics is dangerous to your health and should be avoided.

The abuse of antibiotics in livestock and aquaculture has led to high levels of antibiotics, antidepressants, and chemical components of sun creams in fish.

 These substances affect human health and interfere with the fish’s metabolism.

Researchers have developed analytical methods to measure the content of these contaminants in water and fish.

 They accumulate in the tissues and fluids, while transformation and effects occur at the molecular level.

Aquaculture, which is intensive farming, has increased considerably to meet the growing global demand for shellfish.

However, this farming method is associated with the extensive use of antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol and nitrofuran.

They are illegal in the EU and many other countries due to their negative impact on consumer health.

Fish is a significant source of these contaminants, and consuming contaminated fish contributes to human antibiotic resistance.

 Regulating antibiotics usage in aquaculture will reduce the number of contaminants in fish to protect the environment and human health.

Seafood With High Levels Of Histamine

It is important to avoid seafood with high levels of histamine. Histamine is a bioactive amine or biogenic amine.

 Its physiological functions include stimulating gastric acid secretion, inflammation, muscle contraction, vasodilation, and cytokine production, among other processes.

Histamine is also involved in allergic reactions. It is produced naturally by the immune system to help the body get rid of something that bothers it, which triggers an allergy.

Thus, histamine is a concern in seafood because it is a food safety hazard.

 It is the only biogenic amine regulated by standards or hazard analysis and critical control point guidelines.

Fish and shellfish are highly perishable; if they are not managed properly, they can form biogenic amines such as histamine.

Histamine is formed through the decarboxylation of histidine by bacteria of microbial spoilage or fermentative processes in fish.

The main route of histamine formation in fish is through bacteria residing in the gills and gastrointestinal tracts.

Some of the bacteria identified as prolific histamine-forming bacteria in fish include Enterobacteriaceae, Hafnia alvei, Morganella morganii, and Klebsiella pneumonia.

Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, Citrobacter, Escherichia coli, Clostridium, Vibrio, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, and Photobacterium are also part of the bacteria.

Consumption of seafood with high histamine levels can lead to histamine poisoning or scombroid poisoning.

It is one of the most common forms of poisoning caused by ingesting fish and fishery products.

The symptoms of histamine poisoning are linked to several physiological functions, including skin, gastrointestinal tract, hemodynamics, and neurological functions.

To prevent histamine formation in fish, they should be kept at a temperature of 0 C or less so that bacteria cannot grow and decarboxylation is not activated.

Cooking, canning, or freezing cannot reduce histamine levels in fish or fishery products because this compound is heat stable.

What Seafood Are Not Safe To Eat?

What seafood are not safe to eat? Seafood that is unsafe to eat is seafood with toxins.

Seafood consumption is popular worldwide due to its high protein content, biological value, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D.

However, intoxications resulting from shellfish consumption are relatively common due to toxins produced by dinoflagellates or phytoplankton, which are ingested by shellfish and accumulate in their bodies.

The most frequent intoxication occurs when bivalve mollusks like mussels, clams, and oysters ingest certain toxic dinoflagellates during the red tide, usually between June and October.

 Dinoflagellates produce heat-resistant neurotoxins, which remain active even after the food is cooked. It is crucial to check if the shellfish is fresh as it may indicate if it is safe for consumption.

For instance, crabs’ claws move, or the shells of the bivalves close when they are alive.

Consuming fish and shellfish three to four times a week is recommended for adults due to their nutritional properties.

 However, children between 10 and 14 years of age shouldn’t consume more than 120 grams of shellfish per month due to the presence of heavy metals.

 Pregnant women and children under 10 should avoid consuming shellfish altogether. Despite the potential risks of shellfish consumption, it is essential to acknowledge the benefits that come with its consumption.

Shellfish is a rich source of nutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, and iron, vital for various bodily functions. It can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve brain function and the immune system, and aid in weight loss.

Consuming shellfish in moderation by adhering to the recommended guidelines to avoid food poisoning, allergies, and other health issues is essential.

Nevertheless, shellfish can be a great addition to a balanced diet due to its numerous health benefits.

What Seafood Should You Avoid While Pregnant

What seafood should you avoid while pregnant? During pregnancy, it’s essential to be aware of what to avoid, as certain seafood contains harmful chemicals such as mercury, PCBs, and PFAS.

High levels of these chemicals can adversely affect the development of the fetus and learning. It can also affect the physical development of babies and increase the risk of cancer.

All fish contain some mercury, which can damage a child’s developing brain and affect behavior and learning abilities.

PCBs are stored in body fat and can affect the immune system and reproduction and cause cancer. PFAS can cause developmental problems in children and increase the risk of cancer, immune and reproductive system damage,  and high cholesterol.

 It can also cause changes in hormones and thyroid hormones. Fish with high levels of PCBs should be avoided, including fatty fish such as carp and catfish, which may have higher levels of PCBs.

You can reduce the number of PCBs in fish by skinning, trimming the fatty parts, and cooking to allow fat to drain off.

Fried fish tends to have the highest levels of PFAS, and there is no known way to reduce your exposure to PFAS while preparing or cooking fish.

Oily fish, bottom-feeding fish, fish that eat other fish, and the biggest and oldest fish contain the most significant risk of PCBs.

Catching your fish and shellfish from California waters by following the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) is recommended.

Pregnant people, children under 15, people who can get pregnant, and those who are breastfeeding should avoid consuming seafood with high levels of mercury, PCBs, and PFAS.

It’s essential to be mindful of the type of seafood consumed and follow recommended guidelines to reduce the risk of harmful chemical exposure.

What Seafood Should You Avoid With Gout

What seafood should you avoid with gout? People with gout or high uric acid should limit their intake of purines found in the viscera and heads of shellfish.

Gout patients should also reduce their consumption of other purine-rich foods such as meat, organic meats, and some vegetables. They increase their consumption of fluids, fruits, and vegetables while eliminating alcoholic beverages.

Moreover, they should limit their salt intake, maintain a healthy weight, and decrease their intake of saturated fats.

Limiting seafood consumption and choosing white fish to prevent gout attacks is recommended.

What Seafood Should You Avoid With High Blood Pressure?

What seafood should you avoid with high blood pressure? It is best to avoid seafood that is high in sodium, such as canned or smoked fish and shellfish like shrimp, crab, and lobster.

Eating fish such as soles or trout that are low in sodium and excellent protein sources. If you have high blood pressure, this seafood can harm those with hypertension.

Instead, opt for low-sodium fish like sole or trout, which are excellent protein sources. Replacing salt with a sodium and potassium substitute can help prevent premature deaths.  

It will also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when combined with a diet that avoids ultra-processed foods.

Shrimp is a good source of protein but is also high in sodium, with 111 mg per 100 g serving. It is because fresh-caught shrimp are typically soaked in a salty brine to prevent ice crystals from forming during freezing.

People with high blood pressure should avoid seafood that is high in sodium, such as canned or smoked fish and shellfish like shrimp and anchovies.

Instead, they should choose low-sodium fish like sole or trout.

What Seafood Should You Avoid For Cholesterol?

What seafood should you avoid for cholesterol? Among the species with the highest cholesterol, it is worth mentioning crustaceans and cephalopods, with 100-200 milligrams per 100 grams of the product.

 Shell mollusks usually have a quantity very similar to that of fish (50-70 milligrams per 100 grams of product). Excess shellfish consumption can also lead to high uric acid and cholesterol levels.

While shellfish can be a delicious and nutritious addition to a balanced diet, it is crucial to be aware of the risks associated with consuming them. People allergic to shellfish or have certain health conditions should avoid consuming them raw.

Seafood contributes to increased blood cholesterol levels.

Still, Carretero points out that its presence “is much lower than other foods. They have other types of healthy fats that compensate for it .” Seafood is also high in fat and cholesterol, which, if consumed excessively, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, limiting seafood consumption to no more than two to three times a week is recommended. Also, it’s important not to eat shellfish cooked with oil or butter, as this can increase the caloric content.

Everyone should ensure that shellfish are properly handled and prepared to prevent contamination and allergic reactions.

What Seafood Should You Avoid For Thyroid?

What seafood should you avoid for thyroid? It is advisable to avoid excessive consumption of seafood rich in iodine, such as saltwater fish, seaweed or kelp.

 They can worsen both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. But shellfish like lobster and shrimp are good sources of iodine for the thyroid.

However, there are no specific types of seafood that people with thyroid should avoid. Beware of excessive amounts of iodine in your diet because some seafood contains high iodine that can affect thyroid function.

Seafood is a good source of iodine, but the amount can vary depending on the type of seafood. For example, shellfish like shrimp, crab, and lobster are high in iodine. At the same time, fish like salmon and tuna have moderate levels of iodine.

 If you have a thyroid condition, consult your healthcare professional for professional advice. They will give some recommendations based on your individual needs and health status.

What Seafood Should You Avoid For Cancer Patients

What seafood should you avoid for cancer patients? Seafood you should avoid for cancer patients is the head of crustaceans.

For example, the heads of shrimps and prawns accumulate high levels of mercury and cadmium, making it risky to consume them.

Exposure to cadmium, a heavy metal with no biological function in humans or animals, can cause kidney dysfunction and bone demineralization, possibly increasing cancer risk.

Cadmium is present in different foods, including some types of shellfish, such as crustaceans. However, not all parts of the body of crustaceans accumulate the same amount of cadmium.

The hepatopancreas, located in the head, is the critical organ that accumulates the highest levels of cadmium. Therefore, limiting the consumption of crustaceans’ dark meat located in the head is recommended.

Raw shellfish can also pose a risk for some individuals, especially those with weakened immune systems, such as cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or stem cell transplants.

 These individuals are at a higher risk of developing foodborne illnesses from consuming raw fish, clams, oysters, or sushi. Toxins from the substances with which these animals are fed can also accumulate in shellfish meat.

 While cadmium absorption in the digestive system is low, it tends to accumulate in the liver and kidneys for an estimated time of 10-30 years.

 Handle and consume shellfish under proper sanitary conditions to avoid contamination with viruses, bacteria, or toxins that can cause allergic reactions or other health problems.  People with liver disease, immune disorders, or gastrointestinal problems should not eat raw shellfish.

While shellfish can be a healthy part of a balanced diet, it is important to be aware of potential risks and to take precautions.

What Is The Unhealthiest Seafood?

What is the unhealthiest seafood? The unhealthiest seafood to avoid is seafood with high levels of contaminants.

They should be avoided because there is a risk of contracting diseases such as food poisoning, which occurs when food contaminated with bacteria or viruses is ingested.

 Symptoms of this disease can range from diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain to fever, chills, and nausea.

Another potential risk associated with eating shellfish with mercury poisoning, as some marine animals may be contaminated with high levels of mercury.

This poisoning can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and kidney and brain damage. So, take certain precautions before consuming shellfish. It is recommended to avoid shellfish from polluted waters, such as those from seas with a high level of contamination.

In addition, it is recommended not to eat raw or undercooked food and to wash food well before eating it to reduce the risk of infection.

The consumption of seafood can be enjoyed in moderation and by taking the appropriate security measures.

 If this recommendation is followed, shellfish can be a healthy part of the diet. Seafood you should avoid is those that are very high in sodium.

Sodium is an important mineral for our health. Still, too much sodium can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, it is important to choose seafood that is low in sodium or avoid seafood that is high in sodium, such as shrimp, mussels, and oysters. In general, shellfish can be a healthy source of nutrients if eaten in moderation.

However, it is important to ensure that they are of good quality, low in fat and cholesterol, and low in sodium to avoid the possible harmful effects of excessive intake.

Final Thought

Having gone through this guide concerning what seafood should you avoid? People with liver disease, immune disorders, or gastrointestinal problems should avoid consuming raw shellfish.

Moreover, purchase shellfish in authorized establishments to prevent reactions from contaminated products with viruses, bacteria, or toxins.

This is because seafood with contaminants would cause fatal damage during pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. Save yourself and the developing child by following the recommendations.

Beware of seafood allergies; it is also life-threatening, as some can stay for a lifetime. But consuming seafood in moderation will help you to avoid all the consequences of consuming seafood in excess. Click here to learn about seafood vs. shellfish.

This guide will help you avoid seafood that can threaten your health. But if you have any doubts, consult your healthcare provider.