What Is A Shrimp? (Unbelievable Difference Between Shrimps And Prawns)

Shrimp are crustaceans with long bodies that move primarily by swimming. They are aquatic animals that provide a lot of protein, antioxidants, minerals, and other necessary nutrients.

They rank among the most widely consumed kinds of seafood worldwide. People often call other crustaceans that aren’t in the decapod order “shrimp.”

These crustaceans belong to the Caridea and Dendrobranchiata families. Shrimps are typically marine creatures that can swim because of their highly adapted limbs.

Twenty body segments are separated into two groups, the cephalothorax and the pleon, which constitute the belly in the body of a decapod crustacean like a shrimp fish.

What kind of animal is a shrimp?

Shrimp is a kind of seafood, a broad category that includes many creatures from the sea, lake, ocean, river, and other bodies of water. Fish, crab, shrimp, oysters, and other seafood are included.

As decapod crustaceans, shrimp have the same 19 body parts as crayfish, crabs, and lobsters. These body parts are grouped into two central parts called the cephalothorax and the abdomen. 

Each segment has a pair of appendages, but in some groups, these may be missing or very small.

The crustaceans’ characteristics include the following:

  • Branched (biramous) appendages.
  • An exoskeleton formed of chitin and calcium.
  • Two pairs of antennae extend in front of the mouth.

Also, they have three pairs of mouth parts that work as jaws. Each pair has three teeth.

They feature a segmented body, two jointed limbs on each segment, and a hard exoskeleton routinely shed to accommodate growth, just like other arthropods.

The word “shrimp” appears in the joint names of numerous unrelated crustacean species.

For instance, the order Anostraca, a member of the crustacean class Brachiopoda, is home to the fairy shrimp, which also includes brine shrimp.

Both Triops cancriformis and Triops longicaudatus are typical inhabitants of freshwater aquariums. Additionally, they belong to the Notostraca, popularly known as tadpole shrimp or shield shrimp.

While the Stomatopoda and the Mysidacea are two different orders, the mantis shrimp and the opossum, or mysid, belong to the same class as genuine shrimp, Malacostraca. 

Decapods, a group of crustaceans with eight pairs of thoracic appendages, also have ten jointed legs, the final five of which are thoracic appendages. 

A pair of biramous pleopods, often known as swimmerets or swimming legs, are carried by each segment of the abdomen. The tail fan and telson are collectively referred to as uropods.

What family are shrimp in?

The scientific term for shrimp is Caridea. According to the taxonomy, they belong to the Pleocyemata class and the Caridea family. There are more than 300 subspecies, each with a unique scientific name.

However, they are a member of the Malacostraca family, the giant crustaceans, including the most well-known creatures like crabs, lobsters, shrimp, krill, and woodlice. 

The real shrimp are in the class Decapoda, which has three orders: Decapoda, Amphipoda, and Isopoda. Malacostraca is regarded as an order, and Crustacea as a “class.”

All decapods, as their names suggest, have ten legs. These legs are the last five of the eight pairs of thoracic appendages unique to crustaceans.

Crabs, lobsters, shrimp, fish, prawns, crayfish, woodlice, and barnacles are a few of the many arthropods classified as crustaceans.

A decapod crustacean with an extended body is known as a shrimp. 

Shrimps are closely related to other crustacean species like crabs, crayfish, and lobsters. Their primary means of propulsion is swimming.

 Carida is the scientific name for shrimp, and they have stalk-like eyes. Due to their comparable characteristics, shrimp and prawns are frequently compared. Shrimps are swimming crustaceans.

They have long, whip-like whiskers that serve as antennae. Shrimp’s legs are pretty thin and have long, slender muscles that serve as their abdomen.

 Due to the abundance of their different natural types, shrimp are a familiar sight in the water. They are flexible and may live in a range of habitats and places.

Is shrimp a fish?

From a biological point of view, shrimp are crustaceans, not fish, but they are called shellfish in cooking. Fish are cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates that move with fins and breathe through gills.

Shrimp is one of the most swimming, usually edible crustaceans with slender legs, large whiskers, and long abdomens. 

Shrimp, as a crustacean, cannot be raised in an aquarium with proper care, whereas fish can. 

Crustaceans are a form of shellfish; however, the category of shellfish as a whole is far more significant. Shrimp are a unique type of decapod crustacean since they have ten legs.

Shrimp are good for your health because they have selenium, choline, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12. They are also rich in zinc, vitamin E, niacin, and vitamin B6. 

Additionally, shrimp include antioxidants, including astaxanthin, which reduce oxidative damage and inflammation. Shrimp is very healthy because it contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Since shrimp are a type of shellfish, they are not considered fish. Because shrimp is a crustacean or shellfish, there are significant differences between fish and shrimp.

Fish are a subset of seafood, which sets them apart. “Seafood” includes all consumable aquatic life. 

All aquatic animals that are eaten, including crustaceans (shrimp and lobster), finfish (salmon and tuna), echinoderms (sea urchins and sea cucumbers), mollusks (oysters and clams), and other aquatic species like octopuses, are categorized as “seafood.”

Is shrimp an insect?

Shrimps (crustaceans) resemble insects but are not biologically classified as insects. Shrimp and other crustaceans are eaten more often than insects. Shrimp are giant aquatic bugs.

They all belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, Clade Pancrustacea; however, insects ( Subphylum Hexapoda ) and shrimp (Subphylum Crustacea) are in different subphyla.

Recent DNA studies show that insects are related to crustaceans, which makes them a type of crustacean. Shrimps are also arthropods but not members of the Insecta class.

They go by the common moniker “insect.” Both of them are of the Malacostraca class. The subphylum of crustaceans frequently refers to them.

In contrast to how the head and thorax of shrimp are merged to form a cephalothorax, the insect body is segmented into three parts: the abdomen, head, and thorax. 

The shrimp’s abdomen is segmented, whereas the insect’s abdomen is not. Most shrimp habitats, like those found in the sea, are aquatic. 

However, a small percentage reside on land, and some live-in freshwater. Insects can live in practically every habitat, including deserts, land, water, and animal bodies.

Are shrimp roaches of the sea?

Shrimp are crustaceans, not sea roaches, yet they fall into the insect and crustacean groupings, just as cockroaches do. They are also connected by a few delicate traits that they have in common.

Shrimps are called the “roaches of the sea” because they eat like roaches, are cold-blooded, act like roaches, and like to scavenge.

Although the cockroach is an insect and the shrimp is a crustacean, they both belong to the phylum Arthropoda and share common ancestors, which is why they appear to be related.

Shrimp are aquatic animals and crustaceans, whereas cockroaches are terrestrial animals and insects. Although they look somewhat alike physically, they are very different.

Shrimp are animals that belong to Malacostraca, while cockroaches are insects that belong to Hexapoda. Cockroaches and shrimp are separated in the family tree.

Shrimp have eight legs, whereas cockroaches have six, making them different regarding leg count. Cockroaches have three body segments, whereas shrimp only have two.

The two animals have different life spans. Shrimps have a lifespan of one to six years, compared to one to two years for cockroaches.

Additionally, a shrimp’s longevity is influenced by its species and other variables. Roaches and shrimp have their habitats, although roaches are found on land and shrimp in the sea. 

On the other hand, shrimp cannot live without water and can only breathe underwater. Hence, it will not survive outside of the sea.

Roaches live on land, so they can only float for short periods in water. They can only live on land.

What is the difference between a prawn and a shrimp?

Shrimp and prawns are smaller versions of each other; there are anatomical distinctions between the two. Prawns are more significant than shrimp and have less body bend.

Although shrimp and prawns are two different species belonging to the Decapoda suborder, many still refer to shrimp as “prawns” and “shrimp.” 

Shrimp are classified in the suborder Pleocyemata, while prawns are put in the suborder Dendrobranchiata. 

The names dendro and branchia for prawns, which mean “tree” and “gill,” respectively, differ from the lamellar gill structure of shrimp. Dendrobranchiata’s sister taxon, Pleocyemata, includes all actual shrimp.

Different countries frequently use the phrases “shrimp” and “prawn” interchangeably, but the two kinds of crustaceans are very distinct.

The fact that shrimp and prawns have ten legs and an exoskeleton indicate that they are both decapods. 

The relatives of shrimp include lobster, crayfish, and crab; however, prawns belong to a separate suborder called dendrobranchiate.

Compared to shrimp, prawns have longer legs and less flexibility when they bend.

After fertilization, shrimp carry their eggs with them. Prawns continue depositing their eggs in the water, where they will eventually hatch and survive independently.

They have a similar exterior appearance, use a similar cooking method, and reside on the bottom of any body of water.

Prawn” is used on menus in the UK more often than ” shrimp ” in North America. Even though they are sometimes called “giant shrimp,” the more common term is “king prawns.”

The term “prawn” is only used in Australia and other Commonwealth countries. Shrimp is a species of shellfish that is usually farmed and bred for human consumption.

Because they consume phytoplankton and zooplankton, which are consumed by birds, fish, and mollusks (such as octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish), they constitute a crucial component of the food chain.

Final thought

Although certain crustaceans outside of the decapod order are also referred to as “shrimp”.

Shrimp are crustaceans (a type of shellfish) with elongated bodies, and a primary mode of locomotion involves swimming. The Caridea and Dendrobranchiata are the most prevalent members of this order.

Among the shellfish species, shrimp is most frequently eaten.

It offers significant amounts of several nutrients, including iodine, which aren’t present in large quantities in many other foods, making it very nutrient-dense.

As a result of its high cholesterol content, some people contend that shrimp is harmful.

Global seafood consumption includes shrimp and prawns. “shrimp” and “prawn” are frequently used interchangeably in commercial farming and wild fisheries.

However, they belong to separate suborders of the Decapoda and have incredibly similar external characteristics.

Recent aquaculture literature distinguishes between the marine penaeids and freshwater palaemonids by increasingly referring to the latter as “shrimp” and the former as “prawn.”