Oysters Vs. Clams (Nutrition)

Oysters vs. clams are two species of bivalve mollusks with some similarities and differences. Their two-part shell hinges opened and closed.

 Inside the shell, you could find their “bodies,” or the meaty part people eat—they kinship with mollusks like mussels, scallops, and other species of the same genus.

Numerous things about them are similar and different, including the kinds of meals, size, texture, setting, appearance, flavor, nutrition, and color. Each is also eaten uniquely. 

In addition to edible and inedible species, oysters and clams come in different varieties. Clams come in hard- and soft-shelled forms, while oysters come in true and pearl varieties. 

Both have pleasant nutritional profiles and delicious tastes, which makes them outstanding. Most people mix them up in their dishes because they need help identifying the preferred one.  

This article features some of the differences between them to clarify some doubts.

What is the difference between oysters and clams?

Oysters and clams differences;

ClassificationSubclass – Pteriomorphia / phylum Mollusca.Subclass – Heterodonta / Mollusca phylum.
Shell formHard, full of calcium.Sturdy and glossy
Favorite place to livePreferably blackish water ocean habitats. Preferably freshwater ocean habitats.
MovementThe foot that oysters are born with allows them to cling to a surface before vanishing.Clams possess a strong feet. They also rely on water currents for propulsion.
Dietary diversityOysters are rich in copper, zinc, riboflavin, 7 grams of protein per serving, and tons of Vitamin D, B12, and Iron. Clams are rich in iron, zinc, selenium vitamins B12, and C, magnesium, and niacin.
AppearanceRougher shells with wavy edges and bumpy surfaces.Smooth shell. Sand their natural exfoliator!
Meat colorMore grayishwhitish to tan in color
Shell colorVarieties of color, ranging in shades of tan and grayVarieties of color, ranging in shades of tan and gray
Taste and flavorThe flavor of oysters is sweeter and nearly buttery. The taste can be strong and has a saltier flavor than oysters.
TextureWhether eaten raw or cooked, oysters are smooth and considerably tender to the bite.Littleneck clams are juicy and soft
Cooking  Oysters are much more frequently consumed raw. Consumed raw clams with sauce.
Types Edible and non-edible species. True and pearl species.Edible and non-edible species. Hard shells and soft shells.
FeedingsThey feed on plankton and other ocean debris. They feed on plankton, algae, and fish droppings.
BreedingOysters prefer saline water.Clams prefer fresh water.
GenderChanges sexMost clams have defined gender.
PredatorsCrabs and starfish feed on oysters,Walruses and seals feed on clams.
Pearl Oysters produce valuable pearlsOne in ten thousand clams make pearls.

Which is better oysters or clams?

This article will explain why oysters are superior to clams by comparing their taste, flavor, nutrition, and economic value. Neither species is intended for use as a pet. 

Oysters are distinguished by their plump texture and deep, rich flavors absent from other shellfish, such as clams. Oysters are not only delicious; that is not the secret to their appeal. 

They are both food tonics and very nutritious. Also therapeutic is the oyster extract. They are “milk of the sea” and, like cow scow’s milk, provide a variety of nutrients in a well-balanced manner.

Clams are marginally healthier than oysters and are more frequently found in freshwater. They have high quantities of manganese, selenium, and iron but minimal fat and calories. 

The body produces collagen and hemoglobin with the help of clams. Oysters are rich in mineral salts, including sodium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper, and vitamin B12. 

These mollusks have the properties to promote the development of spermatozoa, which makes them aphrodisiacs. 

Among the low-calorie foods are oysters. Because it has less fat than meat and fish, dieters can devour it.

The premium component of oyster and clams protein comprises various amino acids in the proper amounts. 

They provide all nine necessary amino acids, which must be taken from food, enabling the body to synthesize protein effectively. 

Additionally, eating oysters can ease common physical issues experienced by both men and women. 

Examples include hair loss, thinning hair, and reproductive issues, which men frequently inquire. They are helpful against anemia, which often affects women during menstruation. 

It moisturizes hair and skin and is crucial for anti-aging. Since the nutritional value of these two mollusks are almost equal, and they both taste excellent.

Clams are mollusks, though, and were also utilized as jewelry and coinage in ancient times. 

Do oysters and clams taste the same?

Oysters and clams do not taste the same because oysters have a buttery and smoother taste. In contrast, clams maintain a more savory, salty flavor.

Because oysters have a butterier and smoother flavor than clams, they don’t taste the same. On the other hand, clams continue to taste saltier and savory.

Oysters are delicate and slurpable, whereas clams are chewy. Clams can have a strong flavor and a saltier flavor than oysters.

Oysters and clams share a flavor profile, especially if they come from the same water (saltwater vs. freshwater).

You can eat oysters and clams raw or in various ways. The main difference between them is how they are ingested.

Both oysters and clams can be consumed raw, but oysters are done far more commonly. Raw clams also need the sauce, although you can eat raw oysters with or without cocktail sauce.

They always add clams with other components in dishes, such as clam chowder or other seafood, like paella.

Oysters are frequently consumed by themselves, as a treat, or as an appetizer like oyster shots. They differ in a few areas, making some foods better suited for them than others.

Some individuals prefer eating raw oysters straight from their shells. Its buttery flavor is obtained without using butter or any other sauce.

Can you eat raw clams like oysters?

Yes, you can eat raw Clams like oysters, but not all clam species can go well raw. It is vital to detect the raw clam’sclam’s taste and texture.

Freshwater clams are generally less salty and have rubbery and chewy textures, which can be disheartening. The bite of an oyster, however, is smoother and more sensitive.

But some clams, such as the tiny littleneck and the small cherrystone, can be consumed raw. They are succulent and delicate. Clams are also delicious, cooked or uncooked. 

Clams, however, such as quahogs or mahogany, are too chewy to be consumed raw. Still, they are ideal for chowders and other prepared recipes. 

They have a salty flavor that is “fishy,” yet it is neither overpowering nor unpleasant. Raw clams have saline, salty, and marine tastes. 

Put the clam in water for two hours to flush out any sand or silt that may have gathered inside the shell.

Due to the possibility of catching bacteria and viruses, it is crucial to specify where they were harvested. 

Eating raw or undercooked clams and oysters puts us at risk of getting dangerous illnesses like shellfish poisoning.

It may result from various Norovirus and Vibrio bacteria, leading to paralysis, neurotoxicity, diarrhea, and amnesia. But guard against the user contracting food poisoning.

To reduce your risk of contracting diseases including cholera, gastroenteritis, and HAV viral hepatitis, among others, stay away from contaminated raw clams and oysters.

Suppose the oysters or clams are cooked thoroughly. In that case, the Vibrio vulnificus bacteria will be destroyed, and there won’t be any risk of infection.

Alcohol consumption, raw clams, oysters, and hot sauce won’t eliminate the bacteria. Cuts, burns, or sores may also get infected if they come into contact with seawater contaminated with Vibrio vulnificus.

Oysters vs. clams nutrition

Oysters and clams have excellent nutritional profiles based on their low calorie and fat content. However, they are high in protein, vitamin B12, zinc, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. 

Oysters have more minerals like zinc, potassium, and phosphorus than clams. There is no doubt that the clam has higher levels of vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, A, and C. 

Oyster’sOyster’s zinc content promotes the creation of collagen, healthy retinal pigmentation, skin, nails, and hair.

As an antioxidant, it reduces inflammation, proliferates cells, and builds a healthy immune system. 

It also improves sexual health for germ cells to grow and develop normally, which produces sex hormones. 

Clams, in their way, are high in calcium and phosphorus, which fend off osteoporosis. Many oysters are high in glycogen, a sugary substance that gives energy. 

It is excellent for maintaining stamina and combating weariness. Among the amino acids in oysters, taurine stands out as particularly unique. 

It contributes substantially to maintaining health by promoting liver function, reducing cholesterol absorption, and maintaining normal blood pressure. 

Oysters are one food that contains a lot of iron which helps with red blood cell synthesis and oxygen transportation throughout the body. It is also essential for preventing anemia and regaining energy.

Oysters are also a fantastic source of B vitamins. Vitamin B12 carries out essential functions like producing blood and maintaining appropriate neural function. 

Vitamin B 12 in Clams protects against neurological disorders such as megaloblastic anemia and Alzheimer’sAlzheimer’s disease. 

Clams are abundant in vitamin C, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In addition, folate lessens the homocysteine, which is present in the blood.

It also raises the risk of a heart attack by contributing to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood vessel damage, which is lessened by folate. 

Are pearls in oysters or clams?

The oyster, a sea organism, creates pearls. The oyster produces these magnificent round pearls as a biological response to defending itself from predators.

Clams can occasionally generate pearls, but it is infrequent. Most pearls are produced by oysters, which can be grown in freshwater or saltwater. 

As the oyster ages, an internal mantle organ absorbs minerals from its meal to generate nacre.

The substance that makes up the oyster’s shells is nacre, a calcium and protein mixture that guards against foreign items trapped in their shells. 

Almost any irritant that enters the shell can cause nacre to sprout spontaneously, giving rise to some exceedingly rare and valuable pearls. 

During the commercial growth of pearls, an irritant is manually injected into them to promote the formation of mother-of-pearl. 

Nacre, however, is not present in the pearls produced by other bivalve mollusks, such as clams and gastropods. It is estimated that one in 10,000 clams can have pearls.

Clam pearls’pearls’ value can vary significantly depending on their size, kind, surface quality, and color, much like oyster pearls do. Additionally, natural clam pearls are worth more than artificial ones.  

Although any mollusk, such as an oyster, mussel, or clam, technically can generate pearls.

Only a few freshwater mussels and saltwater clams are used to produce cultured gem-grade pearls commercially. These natural pearls are still being collected right now. 

Bivalve mollusk species that generate natural pearls include oysters and certain types of clams. Depending on quality, clam pearls typically cost between $300 and $1,500.

There are no obvious signs that an oyster, mussel, or clam has a pearl. You only need to open it to find out; it is almost like playing a guessing game. 

Final thought

Oysters and clams are species of bivalve mollusks that can be found in the same regions. Both can survive in freshwater or saltwater. 

Eating them in the summer is a delightful experience because they are fresh and may be consumed raw. They are widely used in rice, tiraditos, soups, other pasta meals, and ceviche.

Clams can sometimes have a robust flavor that is saltier than oyster flavor. On the other hand, oysters are frequently characterized as having a sweeter, nearly buttery flavor.

This article outlined the differences and similarities among these remarkable animals. Omega-3 fatty acids and protein are both known to be found in both mollusks. 

Research shows that eating shellfish at least twice a week reduces the risk of clinical death by 17%. 

Oysters and clams not only provide a delicious meal, but they also help to keep the ecological balance and human well-being. 

Their notable accomplishments include reducing algal blooms and water pollution. Giant clams or oysters may have pearls because they have had more time to develop.

Naturally occurring pearls develop inside oysters. However, occasionally, oysters receive a little help from pearl divers.

These people slice the mantle into tiny pieces, crack up oysters, and place microscopic irritants underneath their mantle. Cultured pearls are the type of pearls made with this method. 

It is not recommended to be consuming these mollusks raw because the bacteria and viruses attach to them.


They must be alive and sealed at the time of purchase. They must have a lovely sea and fresh seaweed odor. When in doubt, keep your distance.

Infections with Vibrio vulnificus are dangerous because they can result in death in just two days. Consult a doctor immediately to get treated if you encounter any of these signs.

Vibrio vulnificus Symptoms


Stomach pains


Shaking chills

High fever

Severe weakness

Skin rashes and blisters