How Can You Cook Tilapia? (Easy)

Try the easiest and most attractive way to cook tilapia. It is among the best healthy dinners; the flavorful dinner will take your taste buds on a trip. It is relatively simple to travel.

Using this simple method, you can incorporate protein sources into your diet daily: winner, winner, tilapia dinner in less than 30 minutes, and you’re out of the kitchen.

Take advantage of this for your weekend nights. I hope you are ready to get the best crispy, mild-flavored tilapia. Now is the time to cook some delicious fillets.

Here are the top cooking tilapia methods you can enjoy. It is time friendly with minimal ingredients. Let’s go

What are the Ingredients to cook tilapia in 30 minutes?

  • Frying pan – Use for cooking the tilapia.
  • 4 oz of fillets: Tilapia fillets are delicious. Meanwhile, you can get the best-farmed fish from the USA, Canada, and Mexico. (You can order your tilapia from here).
  • Refrain from buying from China. Reports from FDA revealed they are using animal feces and some toxic chemicals in their farming practices.
  • 2 tsp of butter and olive oil- Butter to use in cooking, and the olive oil keeps the butter from getting burnt.
  • Half tsp of Garlic powder – add flavor to taste. Half tsp of African nutmeg powder- This will add flavor and a delicious taste because African nutmeg has a unique flavor.
  • But you can use any nutmeg available to you. (optional) tsp of Black pepper- Get the best by adding some pepper to the fillet
  • 1 tsp of onion powder- This will add a distinct and great flavor to the fish.
  • Kosher salt: Add to taste.
  • Gluten-free flour or all-purpose flour- change the color of the fillet to golden brown when the fish is done.

What is the best tilapia cooking method?

Follow the steps below to get the tilapia cooked:


Remove the fillets and put them in a bowl. Make sure you use a paper towel to drain moisture from the fish to avoid getting moisture on the external body of the fish. 

Dry the fish front and back. Removing the moisture avoids losing the fish’s pure taste and firm texture. Moreover, the moisture will make the fish soggy. 


Spray the garlic powder on the fillet. Make sure it reaches the inside and outside of the fillet.


Sprinkle the nutmeg around the whole fillet to get a charming flavor.


To taste, sprinkle with black pepper, onion powder, and salt. All these will give you a delicious taste.


Add the four to a bowl, gently pick each of the fillets, and lightly lay them on the flour. Refrain from pressing them too hard.

After that, slowly tap the fillet to remove the excess flour on the body. Do this to all the fillets and ensure the flour gets to every part of each fillet. 

The flour will leave the fillet with a beautiful gold color once it hits the pan.


Place the frying pan on the fire and add two tablespoons of butter and one tablespoon of olive oil to taste. The olive oil will not allow the butter to get burnt. 

Allow it to be hot before adding the fillet; if not, the fillets will stick to the pan. The oil must get very hot.


Place the floured fillets in the hot oil. Note that you should only move the fillets once you lay them on the frying pan and they are ready to be flipped. 

If you need to remember to flip them over or relocate them before the timer goes off, give them about 3 minutes to cook. Just know that you won’t get your wish fulfilled. They might disperse.

When the three minutes are up, flip the fish over and give it another three minutes to cook through.


Knowing your fish is done is to take the fork and hook a little bit of the fish. If the fish turn flaky and white inside, that means the fish is done and has cooked all the way. 

The fish will have a crispy texture and an appetizing appearance that you cannot resist tasting, as your taste buds are becoming watery. Could you give it a taste?

Its skin is crisp outside, with a beautiful spray of chopped parsley. I know you will love this.

What are the Instructions for this menu?

  1. Refrain from filling the frying pan while cooking. The number of fillets or fresh tilapia to place on the pan at once depends solely on the size of the pan. 
  2. Make sure you move the butter around the pan to touch every part of the pan before adding the fillets.
  3. Avoid overcooking fish. It might get burnt in the process.
  4. Once you lay the tilapia fish on the fire, wait to move them until they are ready to flip. When flipping before time, they will not give you the native taste and texture needed.
  5. Add seasoning to taste. Make the fish spicy. Put every seasoning in moderation.
  6. Once the butter and olive oil dried up, add more according to the recommended quantity.
  7. Make sure you dry the fish from actual moisture; if not, the fish will not retain the flour in their body and will be soaking oil. Moreover, you will not get the actual brown gold color you deserve.
  8. Use a paper towel to drain the moisture from the fillet or fresh tilapia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does tilapia have to be fully cooked?

Yes, tilapia has to be fully cooked. If not, the inner texture will still retain its raw appearance. When it is fully cooked, the texture will change. 

The appearance, color, and texture determine when the tilapia fish is fully cooked once the texture turns opaque, firm, and flaky when hooked with a fork. 

It means the fish is fully cooked. Additionally, the flesh will be white.

Why is my tilapia chewy?

Tilapia can only be chewy when it is overcooked. Tilapia are not easily overcooked like other fish because of their skin type. They are skinless.

The texture of a chewy tilapia will change from light and firm to strong. Once the fish is overdone, it will start shrinking and releasing moisture, making it chewy and dry, unlike the texture of fresh fish. It will make the fish lose its pure flavor.

Why is my tilapia mushy?

Tilapia is mushy when you do not drain the moisture after thawing the frozen tilapia before grilling. Drying the fillet with a paper towel is mandatory before getting to the grill.

The fish must be thawed in the refrigerator for over 24 hours before use. Make sure you inspect the packaging of the fillet while purchasing it. It is to find out if the fillet is saturated with water already.

Moreover, there is a need to recheck if the fillets have been thawed and refrozen before. It makes the fillets mushy and soggy after grilling. It will not be appetizing at all.

One major characteristic of tilapia is that it has low water and fat content, unlike other fish with a lot of water and fat. So, tilapia will not release much moisture while cooking.

What dishes are paired with tilapia?

  1. Fried rice, white rice, brown rice, and good Jollof rice are dishes to pair with tilapia. Add a vegetable salad to go with it. The food will be delicious.
  2. Another dish is fried plantain with good sauce will be a good pair with cooked tilapia.
  3. Potato chips and the omelet will make the pair with cooked tilapia yummy and crunchy.

Is tilapia good to eat?

Tilapia is delicious to eat due to its nutritional benefits. It is a reliable protein source that builds and repairs cells in the body’s tissues. They are essential to the body’s structure, function, and regulations.

It is saturated with many vitamins and minerals suitable for immunity. They are vitamins B6, B12, niacin, choline, potassium, and selenium.

Getting little of these minerals and vitamins may increase the risk of developing specific health issues. Therefore, we need tilapia to support our bodies to get these organic nutrients.

Selenium is an essential element that is traced to the nutrition of tilapia. It helps in hormonal functions in the thyroid gland. It is also an antioxidant.

Potassium also plays a vital role in the body by maintaining a healthy fluid balance, and tilapia is a rich source of potassium.

Tilapia’s iodine content is very high, which will help with thyroid functioning. Lack of iodine in the body causes enlargement of the thyroid gland, which causes a bulge on the neck (goiter).

Other problems to encounter are fatigue, constipation, and cold.It also contains omega-3 fatty acids but not much tilapia. But fish like Salmon, Albacore tuna, and sardines contain more omega-3 fatty acids.

It reduces the risk of sudden cardiac arrest because it is good for the heart. It fights depression and anxiety and improves eye health.

Final thought

Tilapia is a highly nutritional food our body needs to help achieve a healthy life and balanced diet. 

Since some essential minerals and vitamins are present in tilapia, we recommend taking them at least once a week. 

Moreover, it is good to note that tilapia contains more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. However, some believe that too much consumption of omega-6 acid may cause inflammation. 

Many experts warned against tilapia consumption if you are suffering from heart disease. It may higher the risk of death.

It is also good to be informed that many farmed tilapias are being fed animal feces. It is primarily practiced in China, as revealed by the FDA.

Even the farmed tilapia in China are exposed to harmful chemicals, as reported by FDA. Safety first, be cautious.