Best Shrimp Stir Fry Recipes (Try Now)

Shrimp stir fry is among the best recipes you can add to your diet. If you are looking for a way to prepare your shrimp to get all the benefits. Get the simple garnishing here.

This recipe will help you to build a healthy immune system by adding this to your menu at least twice a week.

It is not because it is easy to make but because it is delicious and highly nutritious. It is an exceptional dish that you can use to attract friends and family to weekend dinners. 

The garnishing is relatively easy, and the high nutritional profile of shrimp will build the entire body system. The simplest way to prepare this shrimp recipe is outlined below.

What are the ingredients for shrimp stir fry recipes?

Ingredients for shrimp stir fry recipes are;

  • Vegetable oil
  • Two heads Broccoli
  • 1 tsp Garlic powder
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Ginger
  • 1 tsp Onion powder
  • 2 Green pepper roughly chopped
  • Carrot sliced
  • Soy sauce
  • Oyster sauce
  • 2 Chopped red bell paper
  • Corn starch flour
  • ½ tbsp Black pepper powder
  • 2 tsp Green pees
  • Shrimp
  • Salt to taste
  • A knorr cube

How can you make a shrimp stir fry recipe?

The shrimp should first be seasoned with a knorr cube, salt, garlic, chili powder, cornstarch flour, and black pepper powder. 

Stir everything together and add soy sauce to your preference. Avoid using too many spices. Avoid making the food overly hot. Set aside the shrimp after seasoning it. 

Then, prepare all the vegetables, and reserve them. To keep the broccoli from being too crispy, slice it and steam it with boiling water. Red and green peppers should be roughly chopped and set aside. 

The frying pan can now be filled with oil and heated to medium. Before adding some ginger and garlic, let the oil get hot and fry for 2 minutes. 

Gradually add the shrimp to get the lovely pinkish-aesthetic color. If you get what you want, only push at the same time. 

To avoid overcooking it, fry each side for around 20 seconds. To avoid getting burnt or turning to black color. I fried my shrimp, and then I moved on to the vegetables. 

To begin frying the vegetables, coat the pan with oil and heat it. Add some ginger, onions, and garlic. Give them two minutes to steam. 

Then add all of your vegetables and stir them for about two minutes. The final ingredient is broccoli, which is stirred for just one minute.

To taste, mix two tablespoons of soy sauce and two tablespoons of oyster sauce into the vegetables. 

Give the vegetables a final toss, and then steam them for 2 minutes. To thicken the mixture, add a teaspoon of cornstarch flour.

Could you not make it too thick or thin? After adding it to the vegetables, kindly give it a thorough stir.

After adding and stirring the fried shrimp for 30 seconds, your shrimp stir-fry is prepared. Immediately enjoy it!

Frequently Asked Questions

What vegetables go with shrimp stir fry recipes?

  1. Steamed Broccoli

Steamed broccoli is the vegetable I like best. Cut it into equal sizes so they cook at the same time. Finally, you slightly undersize. The smaller groups will prepare meals before the larger groups.

Before chopping the broccoli into equal pieces, ensure it has been thoroughly cleaned. We’ll use the steaming technique.

Place your broccoli in a pan and immediately reheat it. Add 3 ounces of water to the bottom of the pot since there is still water on the cleaned broccoli. Cover with a lid.

I will check my broccoli once I see steam emerging from the pan’s sides, at which point I will open the lid. If you let the water dry, your broccoli will turn dry and crunchy.

Re-add a small amount of water. There is still not much water on the broccoli, but it will continue for a few more minutes. 

After that, I will add three slices of garlic-infused butter so that it can turn into a sauce. To prevent the broccoli from getting bruised, I gently shake the pan.

The butter will blend beautifully with a small amount of water in the pan. Add a dash of pepper and a touch of salt for seasoning. Your broccoli and shrimp are prepared to be served with great nutrients.

2. Vegetable Salads

3. Fruits Salads

4. Coleslaw Salads

How do you make air fryer asparagus for shrimp recipes?

Making this quick vegetable side dish in the air fryer is ideal for serving with shrimp stir-fry. View the rapid preparation methods.

 I will season it with all-purpose lemon seasoning, garlic powder, and avocado oil. Until your air fryer reaches the required temperature, preheat it to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Just remove the asparagus bottoms. Add your seasonings, two tablespoons of avocado oil, one-half teaspoon of garlic powder, and one-fourth of all-purpose lemon flavor to the vegetables in a big bowl.

Stir them thoroughly into the asparagus. Bring out the basket and add the asparagus to the air fryer once it has heated up. 

Aim to keep them from touching each other. It needs to be cooked for around 8 minutes at 380 degrees. Depending on your air fryer, the cooking time for your asparagus will vary.

 Check it at the halfway point of cooking, shake the basket to turn them, and cook for the final 4 minutes. Once finished, take it off and sprinkle it with half a lemon juice. 

Then serve alongside your shrimp to maximize nutrients.

Can I fry up frozen shrimp?

You can fry frozen shrimp, but first, thaw frozen shrimp before frying to get the best result. Before cooking frozen seafood, it must first be thawed to prevent improper cooking.

Every seafood market carries frozen shrimp that you may store in your freezer. There are techniques for quickly defrosting frozen shrimp.

The first approach involves thawing it in your refrigerator overnight. In the morning, pan-dry them with a paper towel before frying, cooking, or grilling.

However, if you require your shrimp right soon, there are two easy ways to defrost them. The first strategy is to put them in a dish.

 Run water over them for 20 minutes, drain the initial water and start the second round of running water.

 After removing the shrimp from the water and thoroughly patting them dry using a paper towel, you can start frying them. 

The second way involves just placing them into a sink filled with water. Let them sit for more than 15 minutes to defrost. 

Remove them from the first water and fully submerge them for 15 minutes inside the water. They are then ready. Before using, take them out of the water and thoroughly pat them dry with a paper towel. 


  1. Never microwave frozen shrimp or boil them to thaw. Your shrimp’s texture will alter, and it will become weird. 
  2. Avoid purchasing shrimp that has already been defrosted at the grocery store since you need to find out how long it has been defrosted. 
  3. According to some studies, defrosted shrimp are used for only one to two days.

How do you make garlic butter shrimp?

These are ingredients for garlic butter shrimp;

  • 1 Ib large shrimp
  • 1 tbsp dry parsley
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • soy sauce
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • Half-cut lemon juice
  • 1 tsp lemon pepper seasoning
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Three sliced garlic butter

In a small bowl, soak your shrimp while combining soy sauce, garlic, and lemon juice. Add the shrimp to half the sauce, and allow it for 20 minutes.

IInside a bowl, melt three slices of butter before adding the shrimp. To taste, add the remaining seasoning. Your shrimp should be cooked until it becomes reddish.

 Pour the sauce over the shrimp after adding the remaining marinade. Cook the shrimp until they are coated in sauce, and it begins to thicken.   

How do you make crispy fried shrimp?

These are ingredients to make crispy fried shrimp;

  • 10 oz red Shrimp
  • 1/3 cup mustard
  • 3 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • ¼ black pepper
  • Two eggs
  • 1/3 red hot sauce
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp creole seasoning
  • Avocado oil

The shrimp are placed in a bowl with the mustard and red-hot sauce. Break in the two eggs. Mix well after adding all the seasoning. Mix everything in a bowl. Closely cover the bowl for ten minutes.

Then, add the oil to the fire and heat it to 350 degrees—mix three tablespoons of cornstarch and 1 cup of all-purpose flour in a bowl. 

Remove the shrimp from the sealed dish and add them to the bowl of cornstarch. Shake the bowl vigorously while covering it, so the shrimp are completely covered in flour.

Bring out the shrimp from the flour. At this moment, the oil is hot. The shrimp should be cooked in heated oil for five to ten minutes; to achieve a lovely brown color.

Now the shrimp are ready with a unique, flaky, and crispy appearance. Serve the shrimp with some fresh lemon slices and cocktail sauce. Enjoy your dinner. 

How do you make air fryer shrimp?

Air fryer shrimp (ingredients) are;

  • 2 lbs. jumbo Shrimp
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp roasted garlic powder
  • 1 tsp parsley flakes
  • ½ tsp of all-purpose seasoning
  • ½ tsp of black pepper powder

Add your cleaned and deveined shrimp to a bowl. Next, combine well all of the seasonings specified above. 

Put the air fryer basket with the shrimp inside. By that time, your air fryer should have reached 400 degrees Fahrenheit and been cooking for ten minutes. 

You can check for tenderness at various intervals. Your shrimp is now prepared. Take a break and relax.

What sauce is good with a shrimp stir fry?

Soy sauce 

The ideal sauce to serve with shrimp stir fry is soy sauce. It is delicious when you add it to the shrimp. It has a sweet and salty flavor. Try it in your next dish.

Final thought

It makes perfect sense for your health to include shrimp in your dinner. Shrimp is flexible seafood that has a great flavor and adds good nutrition. 

Studies show that eating shrimp three times a week will improve your results. So, go for it.

Sometimes it’s excellent to explore new foods, so I suggest adding shrimp to your menu this week as one of the fantastic dishes. 

Any of the three methods will work to defrost frozen shrimp, but avoid using a microwave or hot water to thaw any other shellfish because it will taste bad. 

Try any of my recipes to obtain the most outstanding results because they are easy to prepare. Adhere to the cooking directions.