10 Types Of Shellfish (Find Out)

Check out the 10 types of shellfish: mussels, clams, scallops, oysters, crabs, crayfish, shrimps, lobsters, sea snails, and squids. Crustaceans and mollusks are the two subgroups of shellfish.

Most people eat shellfish in different ways, like cooking, baking, grilling, steaming, roasting, or frying. Oysters and clams, for example, can be eaten raw or partially cooked.

Depending on the species and cooking technique, they have a variety of flavors, from sweet to salty, from subtle to delicate. Animals with a shell or shell-like exterior that live in water are called shellfish.

Most shellfish are from saltwater, the name also applies to freshwater species. For instance, shrimp is a common ingredient in Southern American meals.

At the same time, lobster is a popular dish in the Northeast United States.

What animals are shellfish?

The animals that are shellfish include crustaceans, mollusks, and echinoderms.

Crustaceans include lobster, Norway lobster, spider crab, prawns, crab, barnacles, and shrimp.

Because the interior of crustaceans’ bodies is sensitive and tender, the shell covering them protects them. Typically, they have a lot of legs.

Mollusks: The three parts of a mollusk’s body are the head, visceral mass, and foot, and most mollusk bodies are in a shell or shells.

Two groups of mollusks are distinguished: Bivalves and Cephalopods. These species are bivalves or have two shells, which restricts their mobility.

These species include clams, oysters, mussels, queen scallops, razor shells, and cockles.

Mollusks classified as cephalopods have a large head and a set of tentacles developed from the foot in other mollusks. The squid, octopus, and cuttlefish are three examples.

Echinoderms are a category of shellfish that includes the well-known starfish; however, they are not edible.

They are headless invertebrate creatures that inhabit the seafloor. Sea urchins fall under this classification. These are the animals called Shellfish.

What are the 3 main species of shellfish?

Shellfish’s 3 main species comprise crustaceans, mollusks (bivalves and cephalopods), and echinoderms. They are entirely different from each other.

They are exoskeleton-containing aquatic invertebrate foods. However, you harvest most shellfish in saltwater environments and freshwater.


The shell is the characteristic of crustaceans and shellfish that stands out the most.

It is simple to determine that lobsters, crabs, shrimp, carabinero, prawns, barnacles, and Santiago belong to this subspecies of crustaceans.

These are cirripeds, or those with cirrus-shaped thoracic legs, as is the case with the barnacle and decapods, which make up most of the crustaceans.


They are one of the fascinating families in the aquatic realm. Bivalves, those with two pieces or shells, are the most prevalent; you can find them on the seafloor or clinging to rocks.

While some species, like the cockle, have a firm foot, in many cases, they have only their shell to assist them in moving through the water.

Instead, they move on to the impetus created by opening and closing the valves. Some species are deficient in basic senses and organs. Clams, for instance, lack hearing, taste buds, and sight.

On the other hand, the scallop has round, light-sensitive eyes; therefore, it has a sense of sight.


Echinoderms are in the group of creatures categorized as shellfish. They may be the least well-known echinoderms because not all are edible or used in food.

The most well-known of its kind in this sense is the sea urchin. It simply resembles a round item covered in spikes.

But it is a complex creature with a mouth and small, sharp teeth that it uses to eat and hold stuff.

In addition to using its tube feet and movable spines on its body, it can also move and climb using this method.

What are the most common types of shellfish?

The most common types of shellfish are shrimps, prawns, octopuses, squids, lobsters, and oysters.


Shrimp cuisine is undoubtedly one of the most consumed because it is a favorite among many people.


This marine food delicacy has eight tentacles and is somewhat firm. Therefore, they need the preparation.

One way to prepare it is to cook it whole, chop it up, and season it with salt, paprika, and enough olive oil.


Squid’s adaptability allows for a multitude of preparations. As the most common practice, they are sliced into rounds, served with bread, and fried as a tapa while juiced with lemon.


A lobster is a giant crab with distinctive claws filled with juicy and soft meat. The tail’s unique texture is a result of its fantastic flavor.

The Snow Crab

Snow crabs are sometimes known as spider crabs. They have long, thin legs with two spines on the front for defense.

Small Crab Or Blue Crab

It is a tiny mammal that is challenging to open and is only a few inches long. Despite having little meat, it is excellent.

The Ox of the Sea

This particular species of giant crab has two enormous, meaty claws. The standard technique entails boiling it and then serving it with sauces, salads, or other foods.

They are particularly delicious.


Most people eat Oysters raw in Spain, the US, and other countries. Lemon juice or spicy sauce is part of the preparation process for oyster cuisine.

The Heart Clams Or Cockles

These tiny clams are delectable and may be used to add flavor to several dishes.

The Norwegian Lobster

The shrimp from Dublin Bay is another name for this Norwegian lobster.

What is the most popular shellfish?


Shrimps are the most popular shellfish and are the smallest member of the prawn family. They distinguish themselves by having a robust, concentrated flavor.

It creates a tasty snack, and they eat in portions that allow for consuming much shrimp in a single bite.

There are several ways to prepare and serve shrimp. A shrimp tortilla base is one of the most common. All ages of seafood lovers have the quest for shrimp.

This shellfish contains many healthy nutrients choline, zinc, selenium, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids.

It also contains phosphate, calcium, and selenium. These reasons make shrimp a delightful and healthy eating choice.

Shrimp provides nutrients that supports the heart, brain, and bone systems and develop teeth and gums. It is safe for pregnant women to consume.

But since shrimp is one of the foods with a high cholesterol content, their consumption should be minimal.

Another fascinating fact is that they serve shrimp as a meal cocktail after boiling. People eat giant shrimp often with tails, with the fingers or skewered like meat.

Prawns and shrimps are the common names for these elongated and thin-shelled crustaceans, distinguished by size and found in rivers or the sea.

They are versatile, simple to prepare, and famous in the kitchen. There are many kinds, particularly in salt water.

The prawns (or imperial prawns), which are often consume due to their size and flavor. They are readily available both fresh and frozen and are the stars of many recipes.

What is the best shellfish to eat?


The best shellfish to eat are crustaceans. Shrimps, crabs, prawns, and lobsters are a few crustaceans you eat in the best quantities.

The succulent meat of crustaceans is high in protein and very low in fat. Crustaceans have a massive diversity of species and concepts.

Crustaceans’ claws, legs, and tails contain exquisite flesh that is also edible. Shrimp is one of the best crustaceans to eat.

Despite specific differences, shrimp and crabs are members of the same family. Shrimp is gray or shrimp from the North Sea.

It does not develop its characteristic scarlet color until they cook it, which happens as soon as they catch it.

Arctic or Greenland prawns are among the best and tastiest. They have exceptionally soft flesh and a mild salt flavor that makes them the best.

Shrimp tastes better in waters that are deeper and cooler. Even though prawns are giant, just the tail is edible. Shrimp is one of the most well-liked kinds of seafood.

Whether served with or without the shell, shrimps are delicate, yet, the distinct flavor offers the necessary bite to even the most basic dishes.

There are various methods to prepare shrimp. Whether roasted, skewered, steamed, simmered, or included in stews.

When it comes to shrimp, your creativity virtually has no bounds. Freshly caught and peeled shrimp are the tiniest in the world and have the most outstanding flavor.

Shellfish are flavorful, and firm meat is excellent in aspic, spaghetti, salads, and soups.

Scampi and sea cicadas are two other delectable crustaceans. They have limbs and a carapace, which is a shell. These are the best shellfish.

What fish is not shellfish?

Since all fish are vertebrates and all shellfish are invertebrates, no fish is a shellfish.

Anchovies, bass, bluefish, carp, catfish, char, cod, flounder, haddock, halibut, herring, orange roughy, mahi-mahi, sardines, salmon, trout, tuna, and other fish are some examples.

Shellfish come in three different varieties: mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.

Crabs, crayfish, lobster, prawns, shrimp, abalone, clams, conch, mussels, oysters, scallops, sea snails (escargot), squid, and jellyfish are a few examples of shellfish.

Because fish have bone structures in their bodies, none of them can be considered members of the shellfish family.

Mollusks have a thick shell or mantle with an inner cavity, while crustaceans have an exoskeleton. Fish do not thus fall under the mollusk or crustacean family.

Fish and shellfish are very distinct from one another biologically. Shellfish are not, despite their name, fish.

Since shellfish are low on the food chain, most diets consist of phytoplankton and zooplankton.

Because they comprise one of the significant subphyla of the phylum Arthropoda, crustaceans have a link with insects and arachnids.

There are numerous varieties of shellfish, but crustaceans stand out.

Mollusks come in three different varieties: cephalopods (squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish), bivalves (clams and oysters), and gastropods (aquatic species such as whelks and winkles; land species such as snails and slugs).

Crustacean allergy is the most common type. As some people can eat other shellfish despite being sensitive to one species, there are variances between allergies to fish and shellfish.

People with shellfish allergies avoid any other type of shellfish. A distinct type of seafood allergy from a shellfish allergy is one to fish, such as salmon, tuna, or catfish.

You can find out what foods are safe to eat with the aid of your healthcare provider.

Is salmon a shellfish?

Salmon is not a shellfish but a marine fish widely renowned for its medicinal qualities. They do not belong to the shellfish family because vertebrates have a bone structure.

Several species of ray-finned fish in the Salmonidae family go by the common name “salmon.”

Additionally, the seafood species trout, char, grayling, and whitefish are all members of the same family.

They are seafood classified as oily fish with high omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is a native species to the streams of the North Atlantic (genus Salmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus).

However, salmon captured in the wild eat a variety of wild foods. Salmon grown on farms eat pellets for food.

In addition to the Great Lakes in North America and Patagonia in South America, they introduce many salmon species to non-native settings.

Salmon are intensively farmed all around the world. Salmon is frequently associated with a balanced diet. Many species are known collectively as salmon (fish).

They split into two main subgroups Atlantic salmon and Pacific salmon. Freshwater is where salmon are born.

Every 100 grams of salmon contains 2.8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin D, B vitamins, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and selenium.

These elements help to lessen the risk of heart disease, dementia, and depression, which is one of the benefits of eating salmon frequently.

Salmon is one fish that has gained a lot of notoriety in health and fitness. Salmon is from the “family” of fatty fish, with herring, mackerel, and sardines.

Shellfish are members of one dietary family; finfish (Salmon, Tuna, etc.) belong to another biological group of fish.

Is Squid A Shellfish?

Squids are a type of shellfish under echinoderms. Mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms are exoskeletons.

They are aquatic invertebrates known as shellfish and are seafood. Despite being gathered from saltwater habitats, most shellfish species are from freshwater.

Cephalopods are a group of mollusks (squids, octopuses, cuttlefish). Many people eat squid. Among the creatures without a backbone is the squid.

The eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea are home to these marine creatures. They are different from other Cephalopods by having a head that is different from the body.

The robust outer shells of most cephalopods are lost, unlike those of other mollusks like clams and snails.

Greek refers to cephalopods as having “head-feet” because of how their limbs round their heads.

Squids have eight short arms and two long tentacles, which is why they are known as ten-armed cephalopods. Opposite to eight-armed cephalopods like octopuses.

These gigantic, short-finned, Caribbean reef squids are members of the Teuthida order.

Additionally, the squid has a bag with a material called ink in it that it frequently uses to ward off predators.

As summer approaches, the squid departs in search of more profound, calmer waters after spending the winter below the shore.

They have a flexible, feather-like structure inside of them called the pen. The squid is a swift-moving carnivore.

A variety of minerals, including salt, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin A, are present in squids as shellfish.

They have a high protein content but little fat. It is best first to remove the squid’s head, eyes, and mouth to extract the interior and internal organs.

Heteroteuthis, a species of deep-sea squid, can generate light. When disturbed, squids spray a sizable volume of glowing liquid, similar to how a regular squid sprays ink.

Final thought

Echinoderms, crustaceans, and numerous mollusk species are all considered to be shellfish. Shellfish are not fish, despite their name.

Most shellfish reside at the base of the food chain and eat mostly zooplankton and phytoplankton.

Numerous species of crustaceans, in particular, are closely linked to insects and other arachnids.

The crustacean family is one of the essential subphyla of the phylum Arthropoda. Mollusks include squid, cuttlefish, and other cephalopods.

Shellfish like clams, oysters, and snails are aquatic species such as whelks and periwinkles. Terrestrial species are snails and nudibranchs.

An internal skeleton, fins that help propulsion, and an elongated body flattened laterally on the back or abdomen distinguish each species.

Humans eat numerous varieties of mussels, clams, oysters, periwinkles, and scallops. The most popular crustaceans eaten include shrimp, lobster, crayfish, crab, and barnacles.

Echinoderms harvest is not frequent for food as mollusks and crustaceans.

Still, sea urchin roe is particularly well-liked in regions where live delicacies are more challenging to transport.

The shellfish in this category are the Venus, the coquina, the galley, the mussel, the oyster, and the variegated.

The decapods are into two suborders: natantia and creep, or those that swim and those that march.

People still eat sea cucumbers, particularly in Asia, even though they are more prevalent in other cuisines.

They belong to the family of gastropod mollusks or have an asymmetrical body protected by a central shell.